Osprey Body Armour – comparison MKII vs MKIII

Here is a comparsion between the Osprey Body Armour MKII and MKIII:

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As you`ll see there are many differences between MKII and MKIII.
First interesting thing is the fit – MKIII is more roomy and seems overall stiffer than MKII (here both Ospreys are sized 170/112).

Ballistic plates are not longer put from above in the plates compartment (opening with zipper) – they are now inserted via velcro closure from below. Due to this version you loose some rows of MOLLE.

There have been many changes regarding MOLLE loops – sizes are diffferent, some placements have changed (e.g. i really like the possiblity to attach something to the left shoulder now).
The space between MOLLE rows have been changed from ca. 2,1mm (MKII) to 2,5mm (MKIII).

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The side closures have plate pockets and extra straps (to hold them securely in place) now.
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Closer shot of the MKIII pocket (inner dimensions: ca. 17cm x 20cm):
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At the and some pics of the inner parts:
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~ by geardoshit on February 5, 2010.

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